Top group of the 2011 Tournament
Biography of the top players at the bottom of the page
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Top group results
Top players bio
CHO Seokbin 7d
Cho Seokbin was yeongusaeng in Korea till age 16. In 2006, he moved to germany, then Poland, where he is teaching Go and winning a lot of important Go tournaments, like Strasbourg Tournament last year.
DAI Junfu 7d
Junfu Dai is a Chinese amateur. He has won our first tournament edition. He is living in France. In 2010, he swept the Paris Open 6-0. He is an active teacher at the French/English internet forum goigo. He published his book Chûban about the middle game.
CSABA Mero 6d
Mero Csaba is an Hungarian 6d, one of the strongest European players, almost 7d. Mero has studied as an insei with Kobayashi Chizu for two years. Mero plays on KGS as “nihil” (aromo), and also offers teaching.
SILT Ondrej 6d
After having spent 3 years as insei at the Nihon Kiin in Tokyo, Japan, he is currently one of the three 6d players in Czech Republic. His talent was spotted at an amateur world cup (in which he placed 4th) at the age of 12. In 2010, he placed 5th in the World Amateur Go Championship with 6 wins.
HORA Jan 6d
Jan Hora is Czech Go player who participates in a lot of tournaments. He is an EGF 6d. Jan is famous for occasionally choosing some rather strange openings and carrrying around Pratash the Giant Pink Pig to tournaments.
VAN EEDEN Gilles 6d
Gilles plays for the Netherlands at WAGG (ndlr: World Amateur Go Championship) in 1996 and 1999. He was the Dutch Champion in 1995.
DEBARRE Thomas 6d
In the french rating, Thomas is the first french player just behind the "unbeatable Chinese player".
LIN Viktor 5d
19 years old. Single. Austrian Champion 3 times consecutive.
European Student Champion 2009. German Youth Champion. Best Japanese in Germany with French nationality.
BLOMBACK Fredrick 5d
Swedish champion 2 years consecutive. Nordish Champion 2009.
5d French Champion 2005. The ever most sympatic guy in the universe.
Student in Computer Science 20 years old.
PALANT Michael 5d
Michael Palant, 5d, is the strongest player in Moldova.
FENECH Antoine 5d
Antoine Fenech, one of the strongest French players, former European youth champion and organizer of the European YouthMastersLeague. Ex-Champion of the Strasbourg Tournament.
OBENAUS Johannes 5d
19 years old. 2nd and 4th at German youth Championship. Others sports: Bike and Soccer.
LE CALVE Tanguy 3d
15 years old. Seen on Japan TV. 2 times Youth French Champion.