(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[3600]OT[15/300 Canadian] GN[Strasbourg ronde 2 table 3]PW[VAN EEDEN Gilles]PB[MERO Csaba]WR[6d]BR[6d]DT[2011-05-14]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/] ;B[pd] ;W[cd] ;B[dp] (;W[pp]) (;W[pq]C[zazie [-\]: met le titre de la partie ] ;B[ed]C[daladim [1d\]: go csaba ! Javaness [3d\]: Go Gilles! ] ;W[gc] ;B[cc] ;W[cg] ;B[dd] ;W[bd] ;B[eb]C[KurataKun [10k\]: who is this players? KurataKun [10k\]: in kgs i mean daladim [1d\]: csaba and vaneeded daladim [1d\]: vaneeden* ] ;W[bc] ;B[ic] ;W[qf] ;B[qn] ;W[qp] ;B[pj] ;W[qc] ;B[qd] ;W[pc] ;B[od] ;W[rd] ;B[re] ;W[rc] ;B[qe] ;W[nc] ;B[pf] ;W[fq] ;B[cn] ;W[fo] ;B[dr] ;W[on] ;B[hq] ;W[qm] ;B[rm]C[bonzo [8k?\]: are they playing in real time now? ] ;W[ql] ;B[pn] ;W[om]C[StrasChp3 [-\]: yes ] ;B[pm] ;W[pl] ;B[rl]C[StrasChp2 [-\]: c etait une joke :) bonzo [8k?\]: non, une vrai question bonzo [8k?\]: ils jouent sur KGS ou à strasbourg? StrasChp2 [-\]: rien à voir avec ta question :) bonzo [8k?\]: avec retransmission ici? StrasChp3 [-\]: IRL in strasbourg StrasChp3 [-\]: with live broadcast bonzo [8k?\]: hoho, interressant bonzo [8k?\]: c'est au collège? StrasChp3 [-\]: oui, ouvert au public , plus ce soir mais demain pour la 1/2 et final bonzo [8k?\]: ;-) c'est quoi les horraires? svp StrasChp3 [-\]: voir dans mes infos (et le site web indiqué) drbenway: ... StrasChp3 [-\]: 10h francaises, les 1/2 ] ;W[ol] ;B[qj]C[bonzo [8k?\]: ok, mci, encore une question, y-a-t-il des initiations en //? ] ;W[eq] ;B[dq] ;W[jq] ;B[ho] ;W[fm] ;B[jo] ;W[lq]C[StrasChp3 [-\]: oui, comme aujourd'hui je pense, verifier sur le site ] ;B[hm]C[bonzo [8k?\]: ho oui, c'est écris, mci, je voudrais initier ma fille de 6ans, je vais essayer de venir demain ;-) bonzo [8k?\]: écrit* donGoku [3k\]: won csaba his first game? ] ;W[dm]C[donGoku [3k\]: agains 5d french player? zazie [-\]: yes donGoku [3k\]: mercie zazie :) bonzo [8k?\]: http://www.gostrasbourg.fr/resultats/ ] ;B[bl]C[StrasChp3 [-\]: thx bonzo bonzo [8k?\]: ;-) ] ;W[iq] ;B[gq] ;W[do] ;B[co] ;W[ck] ;B[cl] ;W[dl] ;B[lo] ;W[ro] ;B[rn] ;W[np] ;B[kl] ;W[gk] ;B[hd] ;W[il] ;B[jj] ;W[rk] ;B[qk] ;W[oj] ;B[oi] ;W[ni] ;B[nj] ;W[mj]C[mw5k [2k?\]: what is black's name on KGS? is it caba? ] ;B[ok] ;W[nk]C[StrasChp3 [-\]: csaba i think daladim [1d\]: it was aromo for the old folks and is csaba, not caba mw5k [2k?\]: ahh, makes sense. there was a caba people were saying was csaba. just trolling i guess StrasChp3 [-\]: csaba stop only a FEW second to play with its fan on this move :) ] ;B[oj]C[StrasChp3 [-\]: *with his fan , sorry drbenway: ,,, ] ;W[kk]C[StrasChp3 [-\]: 20min left for Van Eeden, 35 min left for Mero before byo-yomi ] ;B[lk] ;W[jk]C[StrasChp3 [-\]: csaba's deep in thought ] ;B[kj] ;W[ll] ;B[mk] ;W[lm] (;B[gr]) (;B[fr] ;W[nl] ;B[mi]C[Prym [-\]: le lien http://www.gostrasbourg.fr/strasbourg2011.html pour les resultats ne marche pas ] ;W[er] ;B[es] ;W[gp] ;B[gr] ;W[hp] ;B[ik] ;W[jl]C[donGoku [3k\]: wow, BBW vs. Korondo live donGoku [3k\]: not here :) ] ;B[hl] ;W[hk] ;B[ij] ;W[km] ;B[md] ;W[mc] ;B[ld]C[Stinson [6d\]: O_o EdhelDil [3k\]: dongoku : where? bidulib: g12 ] ;W[kb]C[EdhelDil [3k\]: oh indiaboy: G11 bidulib: maybe d13 bidulib: because w wants to g16 bidulib: but now, w shows the power of L17 ] ;B[gi]C[indiaboy: haha bidulib: ;-) bidulib: L18, sorry StrasChp3 [-\]: white 5min before byo-yomi, black 20min Aikrez [2k\]: will the European go congresse also be shown herE? losambo [3d\]: f14 maybe bidulib: K17? EdhelDil [3k\]: aikrez: should be (via EuroGoTV) ] ;W[jc]C[bidulib: hehe ] ;B[jd] ;W[ib]C[losambo [3d\]: w looks good ] ;B[cj] ;W[dj] ;B[bk] ;W[di] ;B[lc] ;W[lb] ;B[kc] ;W[jb] ;B[hc] ;W[hb] ;B[gd] ;W[se] ;B[oc] ;W[ob] ;B[pb] ;W[nb] ;B[sd] ;W[sc] ;B[rf] ;W[fh]C[StrasChp3 [-\]: white in byo-yomi/ black 12 min left before StrasChp3 [-\]: byo-yomi ] ;B[gh] ;W[fg]C[indiab: . ] ;B[eo] ;W[fp] ;B[en]C[indiab: j4 ] ;W[fn] ;B[dk] ;W[ek]C[indiab: f10 ] ;B[ci] ;W[gg] ;B[ej]C[Javaness [3d\]: F9 if you ask me ] ;W[fj] ;B[hg] ;W[hf] ;B[ig] ;W[ei]C[xxxlkkj: d14 xxxlkkj: then g14 StrasChp3 [-\]: black now also in byo yomi drbenway: j2 looks like sente ] ;B[gb] ;W[ir] ;B[cb]C[drbenway: white apparently agreed ] ;W[fe] ;B[ef] ;W[ge]C[Javaness [3d\]: B14? ] ;B[bf] ;W[cf] ;B[bg] ;W[de] ;B[be] ;W[ce]C[Achiles [4k\]: anyone counted? noirdelir [-\]: it looks close drbenway: counting is for cheaters, as is reading ] ;B[fc] ;W[if] ;B[jf] ;W[je]C[xxxlkk: why not e15 for black? ] ;B[ie] ;W[nd] ;B[ne] ;W[ch] ;B[bh] ;W[hj]C[Moiraine7 [2k\]: gote ] ;B[he] ;W[gf] ;B[hh]C[Javaness [3d\]: nobi of death ] ;W[hi] ;B[ii] ;W[ee] ;B[qb] ;W[rb]C[noirdelir [-\]: i would say w wins by the komi after e15? Meto [1d\]: q4 ] ;B[po] ;W[ml] ;B[lj] ;W[pp] ;B[oo] ;W[no] ;B[sn]C[gubbelface [5k\]: white leads by 5 points +komi I think ] ;W[dn] ;B[ep]C[StrasChp3 [-\]: players in their second byo-yomi ] ;W[hs] ;B[fs] ;W[bb] ;B[rp] ;W[rq] ;B[sp] ;W[sq] ;B[so]C[mw5k [2k?\]: i counted w+2 highlight [7d\]: b18 very bad KOCMOHABT [-\]: w+7 ] ;W[ca] ;B[da] ;W[ba] ;B[qo] ;W[fd] ;B[dc] ;W[cm] ;B[bm] ;W[em]C[StrasChp3 [-\]: black resigns ])))