(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[3600]OT[15/300 Canadian] GN[Strasbourg Championship round 2]PW[CHO Seokbin]PB[LIN Viktor]WR[7d]BR[5d]DT[2011-05-14]EV[International Championship of Strasbourg]RO[round 2]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/] ;B[dd] ;W[dp] ;B[qd] ;W[pp] ;B[fq] ;W[hq] ;B[nq] ;W[kq] ;B[dn] ;W[fp] ;B[gp] ;W[gq] ;B[cp] ;W[eq] ;B[cq]C[daladim [1d\]: go bin ! ] ;W[od]C[superREDS [1d\]: bin? daladim [1d\]: bin7674 daladim [1d\]: is w PogoGo [?\]: go w! cucaiduong [2k\]: binladen ] ;B[mc] ;W[qc] ;B[pd] ;W[pc]C[whuang [2k\]: what the ] ;B[oc] ;W[rd]C[guest038: hi, StrasChp1. I wanted to ask you if Lei Chen is also playing in the tournament ^^ Stoneflow [?\]: complicated joseki zazie [-\]: a bit tricky StrasChp1 [-\]: no, he don't play ] ;B[oe]C[guest038: thanks ] ;W[nd] ;B[ob]C[zazie [-\]: he's not, guest038 : the (strong) players of the tournament are listed on http://www.gostrasbourg.fr/resultats/ ] ;W[qf]C[KurataKun [10k\]: someone from them is from KGS KurataKun [10k\]: ? ] ;B[pe] ;W[rb] ;B[me] ;W[fc]C[daladim [1d\]: both KurataKun [10k\]: users? guest038: all of the pple who are playing on boeards 1-3 are also on KGS :P ] ;B[fr]C[guest038: sure ] ;W[er]C[daladim [1d\]: bin7674 and viktor i dont remember sry ] ;B[fo]C[Korea4K [2d\]: w too thin ] ;W[ep]C[guest038: boards* guest038: Viktor is Sandmann daladim [1d\]: ah yea guest038: g6 guest038: ^^ goren2 [6k\]: r6? goren2 [6k\]: or c7? ] ;B[cf]C[guest038: oh, thanks, zazie... just saw your link ^^;;; CptHook [5k\]: none of them.. goren2 [6k\]: c5 looking kinda nice... CptHook [5k\]: maybe j17 guest038: probably c5 doesn't work. cucaiduong [2k\]: c5 c6 ] ;W[ic] ;B[eb]C[martin3141 [3d\]: go victor!^^ guest038: yeah ^^ ] ;W[fb]C[guest038: cutie must win martin3141 [3d\]: :D exactly Kachnak [2d\]: go viktor!!! Goreon [2d\]: mr sandmann bring us a dream ;) guest038: nobody likes Seokbin guest038: btw, his name is even written wrong :D guest038: "Seobkin" :D Achiles [4k\]: guest, its move 38 daladim [1d\]: i like bin ^^ goren2 [6k\]: seok means stone in korean? or am I wrong? scurge [5d\]: If viktor will gather enough confidence then for sure he can win daladim [1d\]: haha achiles swatcat489 [6k\]: any video link ò the game? scurge [5d\]: anyway cheering for viktor from czech republic~!! :) Nickless [-\]: everyone is cheering for viktor GezaLaci [13k\]: from Romania two! superREDS [1d\]: go bin Blubbel [1d\]: where can i find results? yduisuk [8k\]: i'm not :D Goreon [2d\]: b has no chance yduisuk [8k\]: i like to b different :3 guest038: doesn't matter is he has any chane guest038: SeokBin is just such an annoying person -.- ] ;B[qq]C[superREDS [1d\]: bingo ] ;W[pq]C[Blubbel [1d\]: why kaaa [3d\]: where are the results? guest038: just get to know him, you will know. ] ;B[qp]C[superREDS [1d\]: guest dun flame bin ] ;W[po] ;B[pr] ;W[or] ;B[qr] ;W[oq] (;B[qe]) (;B[qn] ;W[qe] ;B[ne] ;W[ld] ;B[md] ;W[cl] ;B[bn] ;W[ci] ;B[ec] ;W[fe]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: why b didnt 1point him? superREDS [1d\]: ?? zen [1d\]: how do you 1point someone? guest038: where should b have played the 1-point-jump? SharpBlaze [15k?\]: c8 answer is c10? guest038: I guess he means 1-point-jump ^^ SharpBlaze [15k?\]: yeah im not good at names Goreon [2d\]: http://www.gostrasbourg.fr/resultats/?lang=en zazie [-\]: C5 would have been bad for him then scurge [5d\]: cho is actually quite fine, he comments after the game and such superREDS [1d\]: nobody is perfect superREDS [1d\]: perfect is abnormal goren2 [6k\]: be8? goren2 [6k\]: or 02? Korea4K [2d\]: G16 at first shaguar [3k\]: G16以后的H16点不到了 zen [1d\]: r9 martin3141 [3d\]: I think he will play something on the lower side ] ;B[kc]C[shaguar [3k\]: 消味的棋一般不肯下 tsointsoin [1k\]: what about O5? ] ;W[bd]C[superREDS [1d\]: b16 cool goren2 [6k\]: o5 after 02, right? cucaiduong [2k\]: L17 look slow shaguar [3k\]: 反倒是R8一带是大棋 SharpBlaze [15k?\]: c17? guest038: c17 superREDS [1d\]: hard to imagine he can live in there ] ;B[ch]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: if not c17 i guess he can XD guest038: wants to connect out probbly SharpBlaze [15k?\]: 2eyes XD scurge [5d\]: b16 is a probe guest038: C12 is a nice move :D ] ;W[bh]C[guest038: oh SharpBlaze [15k?\]: tiger? Korea4K [2d\]: L17 C12 all wrong move SharpBlaze [15k?\]: or b13 or cross cut Korea4K [2d\]: b cant win SharpBlaze [15k?\]: cross cut is cool SharpBlaze [15k?\]: b b11 martin3141 [3d\]: cross cut seems to help white SharpBlaze [15k?\]: oh SharpBlaze [15k?\]: i thought cause he got c14 might atk while got thick cucaiduong [2k\]: it's difficult for Black now CptHook [5k\]: b13 shaguar [3k\]: b14 SharpBlaze [15k?\]: w made good invade with minimum of risk i guess SharpBlaze [15k?\]: what about w c15? martin3141 [3d\]: I'd probably play d12 SharpBlaze [15k?\]: or b14 Demounit [?\]: d12 is good yduisuk [8k\]: i was thinking d12 too but i dunno why :P ] ;B[cg]C[umbreon [1d\]: d12 lead to a cut disadvantageous to b i thought Demounit [?\]: seems like a weak move by b CptHook [5k\]: d12 bad - b14 SharpBlaze [15k?\]: well u can never know XD Confused [11k\]: w should punish by cutting b's way to the middle SharpBlaze [15k?\]: w should do e12 or 13? goren2 [6k\]: a14 work? ] ;W[cc] ;B[di] ;W[cj]C[SuperJohn [1d\]: no Demounit [?\]: easy to cut umbreon [1d\]: a14 could help w survive in corner ] ;B[be]C[umbreon [1d\]: well i'm sure b read that SharpBlaze [15k?\]: wow w will dance on his territory ] ;W[cd]C[lamalama: c16 = 7d move ] ;B[de]C[CptHook [5k\]: w will die ] ;W[db]C[SuperJohn [1d\]: w will have ko SharpBlaze [15k?\]: i say 2 eyes yduisuk [8k\]: u spelled llama wrong :o ] ;B[ea] ;W[bb]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: 2 eyes see! umbreon [1d\]: not sure if this is ko shaguar [3k\]: ko umbreon [1d\]: or d17 key move martin3141 [3d\]: although w took away blacks base and territory, he weakened his own outside-groups pretty much ] ;B[gd]C[Nightwind [2d\]: alive ] ;W[fd] ;B[id]C[kaaa [3d\]: no ko ] ;W[hc]C[SuperJohn [1d\]: yes, my bad Warfreak2 [4d\]: goooo vicky SharpBlaze [15k?\]: b can make middle game XD guest038: kill Cho SharpBlaze [15k?\]: he should put d9 superREDS [1d\]: lol superREDS [1d\]: guest quite hatred for bin Warfreak2 [4d\]: seokbin is awesome ] ;B[dj]C[Warfreak2 [4d\]: but sandmann is super ] ;W[dk] ;B[bk]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: b bad move daladim [1d\]: bad move ? =) ] ;W[ck]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: opsy daladim [1d\]: that s a good move ] ;B[fj]C[daladim [1d\]: ^^ SharpBlaze [15k?\]: notr this one XD superREDS [1d\]: who is sandmann daladim [1d\]: ah ok daladim [1d\]: :) SharpBlaze [15k?\]: this one makes w work hard to live Warfreak2 [4d\]: vicky lin ] ;W[fl]C[guest038: g6 SharpBlaze [15k?\]: XD w chickens out superREDS [1d\]: who is vicky lin Warfreak2 [4d\]: b... guest038: the one Cho is playing against... superREDS [1d\]: not viktor? Warfreak2 [4d\]: we call him vicky guest038: -.- Warfreak2 [4d\]: or sometimes vik guest038: cause we think he's cute :P Warfreak2 [4d\]: he is cute Confused [11k\]: ... and who is the Batman??? Warfreak2 [4d\]: we also call him sandy ] ;B[hd]C[guest038: LOL ] ;W[hf]C[superREDS [1d\]: u think he like the names u given him? SharpBlaze [15k?\]: h14 ^^ guest038: doesn't matter. ShapeMaker [7k\]: That feels like trolling :) superREDS [1d\]: y not just call me blues Warfreak2 [4d\]: he doesn't seem to mind ] ;B[jc] ;W[fh]C[guest038: ouch guest038: e13 ^ SharpBlaze [15k?\]: w plans on kill trial or middle? guest038: w is weak himself superREDS [1d\]: w threatens to kill martin3141 [3d\]: w has two weak groups, black only one ] ;B[ge]C[Confused [11k\]: w doesn't have life for neither western or northern groups. ] ;W[gf] ;B[eg]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: n1 ] ;W[fg] ;B[ef] ;W[ff] ;B[hj] ;W[je] ;B[gc] ;W[gb] ;B[jb] ;W[ji]C[guest038: h8 Confused [11k\]: h18 is b's life guest038: b is out already guest038: w is in trouble. ] ;B[jj] ;W[kj]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: cross him@!!! SharpBlaze [15k?\]: j11 or cross guest038: oh, h18 you said. for b H18 and K16 are miai, Confused. goindes: j12 ] ;B[jk] (;W[ih]) (;W[ii]C[guest038: h8 ] ;B[gl]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: j11 was making w less more XD ] ;W[fm]C[guest038: g6 SharpBlaze [15k?\]: now w got good framework... umbreon [1d\]: h8 had weakness at g9 guest038: oh ] ;B[ki]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: cross only now? ] ;W[kh] ;B[li] ;W[lh]C[cucaiduong [2k\]: fight fight fight ] ;B[mi]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: he should have crossed before w j11 guest038: h7 or g6 and KILL ] ;W[om]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: what about m9 for w? guest038: P7 might be preparing that. ] ;B[kp] ;W[jq]C[Confused [11k\]: b to join NE & middle, then access to E border SharpBlaze [15k?\]: hmm w should have done l5 no? SharpBlaze [15k?\]: say how can i save games that i dont control them? SuperJohn [1d\]: options -> clone ] ;B[pn]C[Bazoldi [9k\]: Options > clone the game in ] ;W[on] ;B[no]C[nanok [?\]: it has nothing to do with ocntrol, you need the client ] ;W[qo] ;B[ro] ;W[rn] ;B[rm] ;W[qm] ;B[sn] ;W[pm] ;B[rn]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: wow b didnt see it? ] ;W[oo]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: w did it to exchange 1 stone for fight b in the middle SuperJohn [1d\]: b sees everything ] ;B[lq]C[Confused [11k\]: w to chase the center group & build E border? ] ;W[lr] ;B[lo]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: nice ] ;W[mr]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: its kinda minimized the dmg w did ] ;B[gm] ;W[bm]C[guest038: c7 guest038: ^^ ] ;B[cm] ;W[bl]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: yep guest038: a7 SharpBlaze [15k?\]: e8 to finish it if w try to run isbhal [-\]: go go viktor !! ] ;B[io] ;W[mm] ;B[qg]C[zazie [-\]: nice move ] ;W[km] ;B[ll] ;W[lm]C[superREDS [1d\]: w seems good ] ;B[jn]C[Demounit [?\]: w seema to be in strong positions ] ;W[rg] ;B[rh] ;W[qh] ;B[pg] ;W[rf]C[CptHook [5k\]: what will w play after b b10? ] ;B[qi]C[SuperJohn [1d\]: b11 ] ;W[ha] ;B[ib] ;W[hb] ;B[jd]C[SuperJohn [1d\]: then he can do an eye around E8 guest038: and what will w play after a7 a8 b13 ? ] ;W[ke]C[CptHook [5k\]: b13 next SuperJohn [1d\]: E6 ? guest038: oh... after A7 b can tenuki -.- guest038: ^^ ] ;B[pb]C[cucaiduong [2k\]: Q8? guest038: no, can't but that doesn't kill CptHook [5k\]: E7 ] ;W[qb] ;B[bg] ;W[dm] ;B[cn] ;W[en] ;B[dr]C[verydrunk [-\]: anyone watching eurovision tonight? davy014 [4k\]: sure ] ;W[eo]C[PogoGo [?\]: hell no! verydrunk [-\]: i'm not drunk enough to torture myself yet davy014 [4k\]: with all my neighbourhood !!! verydrunk [-\]: lol davy where do you live CptHook [5k\]: why e5 davy014 [4k\]: it s a gret event !! ] ;B[hi] ;W[hh]C[guest038: r9 ? verydrunk [-\]: it was terrible a few years back...hopefully its going to get more serious...like when abba were dominating it umbreon [1d\]: i think e5 is to stay connected and a chance to get sente if b e1 verydrunk [-\]: r9 interesting ] ;B[nl]C[bigfry [5d?\]: r9 dosen't work ] ;W[bo]C[bigfry [5d?\]: nvr mind CptHook [5k\]: e5 waste move i think and f2 alive at e1 bigfry [5d?\]: it's not that big ] ;B[co] ;W[br]C[LinkWind [2k\]: on sait que c'est soit cho soit jun qui remporte le championat ] ;B[cr] ;W[an]C[bigfry [5d?\]: kill! bigfry [5d?\]: almost Achiles [4k\]: thats why e5 guest038: b4 a5 a4 a7 b1 d1 a2 CptHook [5k\]: b is alive easy guest038: should be alive oO CptHook [5k\]: b4,a4, and a2 for b bigfry [5d?\]: no a3 SharpBlaze [15k?\]: guest if b do b4 a5 is very bad move i think bigfry [5d?\]: if a 4 ] ;B[bp]C[CptHook [5k\]: if b a3 b is dead SuperJohn [1d\]: lol ] ;W[ao]C[fcb [2d\]: it's just sente yose ] ;B[ap] ;W[am] ;B[ar] ;W[ml]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: w kinda lost the killing thingy now SharpBlaze [15k?\]: b1\\ cucaiduong [2k\]: W gains much here kryft [1k\]: Sharp, He wasn't killing SharpBlaze [15k?\]: i see ] ;B[nk] ;W[nm] ;B[ql] ;W[mk]C[guest038: o10 ] ;B[nj]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: w is reducing b control in the middle right? losambo [3d\]: b can win ] ;W[ai]C[guest038: b is leading CptHook [5k\]: e1 ] ;B[gh]C[guest038: M9 goren2 [6k\]: close game - about 5 pts this way or that way cucaiduong [2k\]: q8 big Nick23 [1d\]: hanks straschp1 for relaying goren2 [6k\]: depending on how it plays out goblinking [1d?\]: f11 ? ] ;W[ig]C[fairgo1 [-\]: nice SharpBlaze [15k?\]: wow big move here guest038: q8 SharpBlaze [15k?\]: how about b e9? guest038: w can't cut E10, can he? goren2 [6k\]: n12? Nick23 [1d\]: I don't think it matters Nick23 [1d\]: it can live anyway ] ;B[gi]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: e9 or n13 what about it? cucaiduong [2k\]: It's complicated ] ;W[ok]C[zen [1d\]: g11 doesnt seem that big Achiles [4k\]: ha ha ] ;B[lf] ;W[kf]C[umbreon [1d\]: i wonder y w played the way he did, r13 by b was obvious guest038: q10 ] ;B[lg] ;W[kg]C[kryft [1k\]: Nice, I didn't realize N9 was aiming for p9 SharpBlaze [15k?\]: b make white decide or to peep or to be peeped Nick23 [1d\]: What do you guys think: should I feel a twinge of annoyance whenever somebody uses "y" to mean "why" or should I just get on with my life and enjoy the game? CptHook [5k\]: b e1 quite big and after they filling dame b1 was urgent..i guess kryft [1k\]: Nick23, I feel a twinge of annoyance and then get on with my life. ] ;B[mh] ;W[qk]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: j3? ] ;B[rl]C[Achiles [4k\]: twinge=2xG guest038: Nick23, that's something for you: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html guest038: :D ] ;W[pk] ;B[es] ;W[gr] ;B[fs] ;W[hn]C[goren2 [6k\]: wow ] ;B[gn] ;W[ho] ;B[hp]C[goren2 [6k\]: j7? ] ;W[go] ;B[ip] ;W[im]C[Nick23 [1d\]: Thanks, alot guest038 guest038: :D vaansama [9k\]: bad w ] ;B[iq] ;W[ir]C[guest038: y r welcome :P ] ;B[gs] ;W[hr]C[goren2 [6k\]: is b dead? ] ;B[jm]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: nop Nick23 [1d\]: Because we believe in hospitality donGoku [3k\]: not yet ] ;W[fn]C[goren2 [6k\]: ok ] ;B[il] ;W[gk]C[SharpBlaze [15k?\]: ouch my head XD ] ;B[in]C[vaansama [9k\]: headache SharpBlaze [15k?\]: w rducing him ] ;W[hl]C[Achiles [4k\]: 0-0 SharpBlaze [15k?\]: heheheh Korea4K [2d\]: ? basic [4k\]: : vaansama [9k\]: lolilol basic [4k\]: ? guest038: h9 guest038: poor b goren2 [6k\]: hehehe vaansama [9k\]: LOOOL SharpBlaze [15k?\]: b got the lead and lost it CptHook [5k\]: w d1 and h1 or b h1? goren2 [6k\]: h9 losambo [3d\]: b still leads guest038: just end this in sente and play S9 StrasChp1 [-\]: black is in byo-yomi SharpBlaze [15k?\]: wow bidulib: black upper-left is not alive, now CptHook [5k\]: big mistake by b ] ;B[hk] ;W[hm]C[Nick23 [1d\]: now it is StrasChp1 [-\]: 33 min left for white goren2 [6k\]: h1 SharpBlaze [15k?\]: b resigne? StrasChp1 [-\]: not yet Nick23 [1d\]: goren2: unfortunately, j1 is sente vaansama [9k\]: resign* SharpBlaze [15k?\]: ok ] ;B[ek]C[goren2 [6k\]: not really ] ;W[mq]C[Warfreak2 [4d\]: go sandy CptHook [5k\]: must be tired not saw that Nick23 [1d\]: after h1 I mean goren2 [6k\]: h1, j1, d1, then w must move Nick23 [1d\]: hmm that's true bidulib: w not alive again CptHook [5k\]: so better w play d1 first Nick23 [1d\]: Why better ] ;B[gg]C[CptHook [5k\]: then b have to play b1 umbreon [1d\]: basic shape ] ;W[hg]C[Nick23 [1d\]: oh umbreon [1d\]: dead shape and dame point Nick23 [1d\]: yea Nick23 [1d\]: gains a point Nick23 [1d\]: well spotted CptHook [5k\]: yes bidulib: black tries to make J10 sente Warfreak2 [4d\]: b will need b1 whether or not w throws in Mito [-\]: b still leading? ] ;B[mp]C[CptHook [5k\]: not if d1 i think ] ;W[ij] ;B[ik] ;W[kl]C[Nick23 [1d\]: well ] ;B[jl]C[Nick23 [1d\]: it could still become seki bidulib: w dead ] ;W[jp]C[Nick23 [1d\]: so warfreak is right ] ;B[ko] ;W[fi]C[bidulib: c15 ] ;B[gj] ;W[dh]C[Meto [1d\]: all did bidulib: black missed this losambo [3d\]: so sad for b guest038: e12 e11 e10 guest038: oO guest038: huh? Achiles [4k\]: looks like a kill cucaiduong [2k\]: all dead SharpBlaze [15k?\]: b missed what? bidulib: the kill cucaiduong [2k\]: D12 SharpBlaze [15k?\]: where at h1? goren2 [6k\]: oh man guest038: e12 doesn't work!? Moin9 [2k\]: autsch StrasChp1 [-\]: black resign Prym [-\]: dommage SharpBlaze [15k?\]: i see StrasChp1 [-\]: CHO win the game donGoku [3k\]: before e1 b was on winning line, now he lose goren2 [6k\]: a14 kills, right? bidulib: who said b alive? ;-) guiguistar [3d\]: b needs 3 moves... SharpBlaze [15k?\]: i asked if he resigned XD Confused [11k\]: d13 is an eye @ d14 or d12 guest038: n6 is a ko eye SharpBlaze [15k?\]: 3moves is alot SharpBlaze [15k?\]: u cant think that player not notice what u do with 3 moves Mito [-\]: b can play ko at n6 Mito [-\]: ah it's double ko bidulib: yes CptHook [5k\]: freak is wrong now ,sorry if b d1 b1 unnecessary Warfreak2 [4d\]: if b d1 then he will still need b1 later Onepiece92 [10k\]: E 12 CptHook [5k\]: w b1 - bb3 Nick23 [1d\]: Rule no 1 Nick23 [1d\]: Warfreak2 is always right Warfreak2 [4d\]: then it will be a seki Nick23 [1d\]: Rule no 2 Nick23 [1d\]: If warkfreak is not right, refer to rule 1 SharpBlaze [15k?\]: so b resigned? cucaiduong [2k\]: but if the rule is not right? schtaben [9k\]: how does this kill black? i only see life Warfreak2 [4d\]: b resigned Onepiece92 [10k\]: Fan Hui plays? Confused [11k\]: schtaben: i didn't see the central group at first either... Nick23 [1d\]: wow Nick23 [1d\]: black has not even one eye SharpBlaze [15k?\]: what if w play h1 b d1 w b1? Nick23 [1d\]: he only has ko for an eye Confused [11k\]: that's mighty aji for L10! I'll always make L10 my first move from now on... ;) Onepiece92 [10k\]: M 10 CptHook [5k\]: b3 Nick23 [1d\]: N4 losing move Nick23 [1d\]: ? schtaben [9k\]: ah i see now ^^ CptHook [5k\]: b is safe after m10 sequence could kill h13 verydrunk [-\]: is this game actually over verydrunk [-\]: looks like b gets owned CptHook [5k\]: ehh, not Haloran [4k\]: black D13 easy Confused [11k\]: I don't understand M10. What is there for b after w L9? CptHook [5k\]: k12 can kill ? CptHook [5k\]: mm f19 eye verydrunk [-\]: there are eyes at k12 area to verydrunk [-\]: so what importance is f19 CptHook [5k\]: only one eye if b k12 verydrunk [-\]: k12 j12 k13 f19 verydrunk [-\]: do you think 7d isn't going to see life CptHook [5k\]: that what i said verydrunk [-\]: i find these take a long time verydrunk [-\]: this tournements verydrunk [-\]: because they don't have a clock for us Rassvet [10k?\]: so is b dead? CptHook [5k\]: b simply e12? CptHook [5k\]: one eye ickypoo [2k\]: i think there is way out CptHook [5k\]: yea where EdhelDil [3k\]: lol ickypoo [2k\]: can save some not all EdhelDil [3k\]: a14 e12, that's about it CptHook [5k\]: has no sente clement44 [1k\]: E8 ? odnihs [-\]: gg CptHook [5k\]: b lost already after his 3 g7 stones die zen [1d\]: e8 doesnt help, w can just play b10 after the cut and live on both sides CptHook [5k\]: b was thinking how to get sente for a14. i guess CptHook [5k\]: e12 only move there i think CptHook [5k\]: am i missed the game is over ? temudjin [4k\]: ok White is killing eyes CptHook [5k\]: what they are still playing? Aokame [1k\]: straßburg tournament i guess? hehe kyosuke [-\]: are they still playing? toko [1k\]: no, black resigned... daria8 [12k\]: result ])))