(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[3600]OT[15/300 Canadian] GN[Strasbourg Championship table 2]PW[BLOMBACK Fredrik]PB[HORA Jan]WR[5d]BR[6d]DT[2011-05-14]EV[International Championship of Strasbourg]RO[round 2]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]WT[Suède]BT[République Tchèque] ;B[cp] (;W[pd]) (;W[pp] ;B[qe] ;W[cd] ;B[eq]C[daladim [1d\]: go fredda ! ] ;W[pc]C[goren2 [6k\]: how many game do they play in one day??? StrasChp2 [-\]: 2 ] ;B[od] ;W[oc] ;B[nd]C[goren2 [6k\]: ok - it just semmed they go from one to the next ] ;W[mc] ;B[qn] ;W[nq] ;B[pk] ;W[md] ;B[me] ;W[le] ;B[mf] ;W[nc]C[StrasChp2 [-\]: il pleut ici à Strasbourg CharlesR [?\]: bummere Javaness [3d\]: il pleut en irlande aussi Saichira [8k\]: Il pleut à Colmar aussi ] (;B[dj] ;W[ed]C[daladim [1d\]: il pleut, il pleure, il neige à fendre coeur ^^ losambo [3d\]: il pleaut a Lausanne CharlesR [?\]: soleil ici maintenant, mais pleut apres. temp ] (;B[jp]C[Javaness [3d\]: il pleut sur le goban aussi Saichira [8k\]: Il pleut des pierres dessus? ] ;W[rp] ;B[gc] ;W[fb]C[StrasChp2 [-\]: tout le monde est rentré StrasChp2 [-\]: les animations prévues à l extérieur se font à l intérieur ] ;B[lf] ;W[ke]C[Saichira [8k\]: Du moment qu'elles ne sont pas annulé ] ;B[gf] ;W[jg]C[Javaness [3d\]: la mer noir est enorme scurge [5d\]: J.Hora has a very keen sense for influence goren2 [6k\]: p12? StrasChp2 [-\]: autres parties StrasChp2 [-\]: Fenech contre Debarre StrasChp2 [-\]: Obenaus vs Papazoglou StrasChp2 [-\]: Prokop vs Silt CharlesR [?\]: D14? ] ;B[hh]C[StrasChp2 [-\]: Le Calvé vs Sbai ] ;W[eo]C[chibisai [1k\]: go go fredda! :) Chochiken [4d\]: Sbai a encore progressé ? StrasChp2 [-\]: 3d il est inscrit Chochiken [4d\]: hmm Chochiken [4d\]: et il a gagné contre un cb ? StrasChp2 [-\]: aucune idée de ce qu'il a fait à l apremière ronde Chochiken [4d\]: ok tant pis merci quand meme ^^ ] ;B[dn]C[HiHfGg [2k\]: SE pwns white ] ;W[ho] ;B[hq] ;W[jo]C[scurge [5d\]: w feels strong, looks like he plays with lot of confidence, but Jan will win :o) ] ;B[io] (;W[im]) (;W[in] ;B[ip] ;W[hn] ;B[jn] ;W[ko] ;B[jm]C[StrasChp2 [-\]: jan se lève et va voir la partie Prokop / Silt bien avancée ] ;W[hk]C[StrasChp2 [-\]: Jan revient mais ce coup si Fredrik prend sa veste sort ] ;B[il]C[Kanin [6d\]: game comes down to black's ability to attack white MaxMakinen [3k\]: isnt black leading on territory? StrasChp2 [-\]: retour de Fredrik Kanin [6d\]: fredrik is probably having a hard time playing against this guy ] ;W[hl] ;B[ij]C[Kanin [6d\]: just try translating black's name from swedish in google translator... sator [1d\]: yes, the mind games are def. part of this. ] ;W[ej] ;AE[dj]AB[cj]C[StrasChp2 [-\]: erreur Kanin [6d\]: :O ] ;B[kf] ;W[jf] ;B[je] ;W[ie] ;B[jd] ;W[kc] ;B[id] ;W[he]C[pel [-\]: :) StrasChp2 [-\]: sorry for the mistake ] ;B[fd] ;W[ik] ;B[jj] ;W[jk] ;B[kk] ;W[qi]C[StrasChp2 [-\]: ? ] ;B[pi] ;W[ph] ;B[oi] ;W[qk] ;B[qh] ;W[qg] ;B[rh] ;W[ri] ;B[rg] ;W[pl]C[Kanin [6d\]: cut? StrasChp2 [-\]: Jan se penche le plus possible sur le goban pour compter YuaiYi [4d\]: yes R8 seems fine ] ;B[ql]C[Kanin [6d\]: troublesome for white Kachnak [2d\]: this game is not gonna reach yose YuaiYi [4d\]: what can white do ? StrasChp2 [-\]: Half time for Jan ] ;W[kj] ;B[ki] ;W[lj] ;B[li]C[StrasChp2 [-\]: Palant resigns StrasChp2 [-\]: Dai win ] ;W[qm] ;B[rl] ;W[ol] ;B[ok]C[daladim [1d\]: dai used less than 10 min ] ;W[rm] ;B[rk]C[Kachnak [2d\]: s7 instead of p9 not possible? ] ;W[lk] ;B[nl] ;W[mi] ;B[mj] ;W[ji] ;B[ii] ;W[jh] ;B[mh]C[YuaiYi [4d\]: G13 seems to work to me ] ;W[hg]C[YuaiYi [4d\]: H13 sorry ] ;B[gg] ;W[gh]C[darwold [2k\]: of course you meant h13 darwold [2k\]: how about h16 too YuaiYi [4d\]: hum not sure , because after K8 will be too short powerpeder [6d\]: g11 and h14 for b only choice? darwold [2k\]: m12 gives w one more liberty too ] ;B[ee] ;W[fc]C[darwold [2k\]: though bad for m9 ] ;B[hf] ;W[if] ;B[gi] ;W[fe] ;B[ge] ;W[gd] ;B[hd] ;W[jc] ;B[fd] ;W[rf]C[StrasChp2 [-\]: Victoire d'Aussibal StrasChp2 [-\]: Half time for Fredrik and 10 minutes left for Jan ] ;B[qf] ;W[gd] ;B[hb]C[StrasChp2 [-\]: Byo Yomi for Lin ssgp: better hurry up ] ;W[ic] ;B[fd] ;W[sg] ;B[pg] ;W[gd] ;B[hc] ;W[ib] ;B[fd] ;W[sh] ;B[oh] ;W[gd] ;B[ha] ;W[kd] ;B[fd] ;W[lh] ;B[ni] ;W[kh] ;B[mi] ;W[gd] ;B[ig] ;W[ga] ;B[fd] (;W[fp]) (;W[fq] ;B[ff] ;W[dq] ;B[lq]C[StrasChp2 [-\]: LIN resigns StrasChp2 [-\]: Cho win ] ;W[cl] ;B[dp]C[StrasChp2 [-\]: Frederik resign StrasChp2 [-\]: Jan win Pulcik [-\]: yeah!:) ]))) (;AE[dj]AB[cj]C[Sur [11k\]: are you kidding? ])) (;B[cj] ;W[ed] ;B[jp])))